Vegetable from the Mediterranean region and the Atlantic coast of Europe, whose botanical name is Beta vulgaris var, belongs to the Amaranthaceae family, which includes more than 2000 species.
It is characterized by smooth or crisp bright green leaves and long stems with colors ranging from white, yellow, orange and red.
Nutrition Facts in 100g serving:
Calories 20.9 kcal
1.4g Proteins
Carbohydrates 4,6g
0.1g Lipids
Sugar 1.1mg
Fibers 1.3g
Vitamins and Minerals:
Calcium 43.0mg
Vitamin A 6.1mg
Vitamin B6 0.2mg
Vitamin C 22,6mg
Vitamin E: 1.89 µg
Vitamin K: 830 µg
Phosphorus 40,0mg
Magnesium 10.4mg
0.3mg iron
Copper 0.1 µg
Zinc 0.3mg
Sodium 1.2mg
Cardiovascular protector
Help in eye diseases
Helps skin disorders
Collaborate on teeth and bone health
Intestinal Anti-Inflammatory
Serum glucose regulator
Decreases cramps and muscle aches
They prevent symptoms attributed to stress such as insomnia, mood swings, headaches and high blood pressure.
Acts in the combat of anemias
Boosts Immunity
Swiss chard is also made up of carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin, great for the eyes
It contains betalains that protects the nervous system, which includes the nerve crucial for communication between the eyes and the brain.
Biotin is also found in chard, a beneficial compound for hair health.
Rich in nitrates responsible for muscle oxygenation during exercise.
It is used in salads, taking advantage of its leaves and stalks.
The leaves can be eaten raw, boiled or braised.
The stem can be used in soups and juices.